The idea for this blog developed out of my belief that while the issues facing Congress and the President are becoming both more complex and more politicized, the general American populous remains consistently underinformed and/or overly influenced by misleading, partisan advertising.

This blog will attempt to inform people by laying out major political issues in concise and informative "handbooks" in order to provide a simple alternative for those who want to be more politically informed but do not have the time to search for the information themselves.

As a news junkie, I will also post relevant news, analysis, and articles. Thank you so much for reading and i hope that you enjoy!

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Saturday, July 9, 2011

Introduction to Politicopedia

Hello All! Thank you for taking a look at my new blog. I wanted to lay out why the blog was developed and the issues that I will be covering as this blog progresses. I would also like to point out that while I will provide detailed explanations of single issues, as a news junkie, I will frequently post news articles and analysis that I find relevant, interesting, and important for an understand of the federal government and the issues that it frequently grapples with.

Pitch: Decades ago, Congress would take up a large number of issues in a legislative session and would discuss/pass legislation at a more frequent rate then is currently occurring in Congress today. In recent years, Congress has spent large portions of the session discussing just one or two issues. From the initial introduction of legislation to the President's signature, healthcare reform consumed the media and the House and Senate floors for over a year (find actual time frame). Now, we're seeing Congress spend months discussing the debt ceiling in the larger context of budgetary transgressions between the two major parties. In a political climate in which single issues are consuming large portions of the 2 year legislative session, a service such as this, provided to the American populous in an approachable yet informative manner, is more important than ever before.

As politics becomes more partisan and the American people become even more interested and more invested in the political system and the issues that Washington grapples with daily, a new type of service that would provide both background information and a comprehensive analysis from both sides of the political spectrum on the most pressing issues facing the nation becomes even more valuable to the average American. This service would appeal to all different types of the American populous. Not only would it appeal to both politically inclined Americans looking to learn more as well as uninformed Americans who are looking for a more approachable version of complex issues, it also has the opportunity to inform all ages of students.

I will address a range of issues (there's no shortage of important issues facing America), including budgetary issues, the complexities of the tax code, immigration, education, campaign finance, foreign policy, and many, many more. 

The Details: Each issue will be broken down into a number of different categories:

-  Contemporary History of the issue (Post-WWII) - How we got to where we are 
-       Current Landscape/Recent Initiatives and/or legislation
-       Progressive Perspective
-       Conservative perspective

Thanks for reading and I look forward to the evolution of this blog!
